Ditch the hob or not...


Reefing newb
Just transferred my 20gl into a 29g. 20lbs of live rock, close to 40lbs of live sand. DSB but I stir and clean my gravel routinly so no build up. Anyway, water is good no bad algae but the more I read the more I'm thinking I should ditch my huge hob penguin. It's got the bio wheels that I clean on a regular basis, again water is good with no spiking after the initial cycle over 9 months ago.
I know I'm an over feeder and keep a fairly large cuc, and always adding more. That's why I originally added the hob. So, what do you think? Try it and watch my water closely or is that just asking for problems since my system is stable and what I'm doing is working? This tank will be moved in roughly 5 months for a final time (crosses fingers) at that time I will be adding a 10g remote tank for algae, cheato and other biological nitrate eliminators.

So, thoughts?
You could remove the hob now, and just keep up on your water changes. But If you want to keep the filter on there for water movement, just remove the biowheels...because they're really the issue when it comes to nitrates.
I like hob filters....yes I said it get the tar and feathers out....Here is why. 1. It gives me cheap water flow 2. I can run carbon when ever I want very easily 3. It gives a nice ripple at the top of the tank for oxygenation. I do not use bio wheels or bio mesh or bio anything...My bio filter is the live rock in the tank..

I have said it many times before...There are many ways to do a reef tank. Light, live rock and flow....Those are the big three. The rest is just what you are comfortable maintaining. Some people go all reactor crazy, some love the Berlin system. Most do some combination. :twocents: