DIY Frag Rack


This is very easy to make, and very cheap. Material were about $13 including the glue. It was very easy to cut out, but the glue did take a long time to dry.

I think this is sold as lighting screen, but it comes in a large sheet.

Here you can see the sheet and my lines to cut drawn out


Here are the pieces cut out. Wire cutters work great for this. the plastic is kinda brittle though, so be careful when cutting.


The next part was the trickiest - glueing the pieces together. The glue takes awhile to dry so its best to find some way you can set it up and then leave it for awhile.


After you attach both legs are are dried, place it in the tank and add frags!

Issues: I didnt measure how wide the inside lip of my tank was so it doesnt hang quite right. The solution would be to make the top of the S a little larger. Here is what a pic of my issue:

Actually . . . ugg . . . we were dipping pieces of metal in with current running through it, causing plating on the metal pieces in different colors . . .