

Reefing newb
Hello. Quick question about dragonettes. I have had a spotted mandrain for a 6 months now and after about a month of adding copepods to my tank I have sucessfully been able to get him to eat brine shrimp and bloodworms. I recently purchased a green madrain as well and he is also eating very well. My question is: is it completely necessary that I keep on adding copepods for these guys. I feel like they are getting all the nutrition they need with frozen food. Copepods are expensive. Thanks
IF they are both steadily eating frozen foods, than yes, they can get all their nutrition from a variety of frozen.

HOWEVER, I don't think you should keep two of them in a 20 gallon tank. One is pushing it. Two is asking for trouble.
In a 20, regardless of how often you feed you'll probably still need to add copepods. A 20 is really small for one, let alone 2 of them and they hunt for pods all day long. They are capable of eating 100's a day to keep them healthy.