Exterminator- Mantis Shrimp trap

I never had any luck using those traps Kathy.But that dont mean you wont.
I dont think I would spend the money to buy one either,when all it takes is 20oz coke bottle to make one.
Just cut the bottle in 2.Turn the neck around and stick it into the bottom of the bottle.Then take 4 small plastic zip ties to hold the 2 pieces together.
Just place a small piece of bait in the trap and set it close to where you think the mantis is calling home.Sit back and wait with your net.As soon as you see the mantis enter the trap,get over there and place the net over the opening and remove the trap.
If you dont get the net over the trap opening,the mantis will escape when you try to remove the trap,and you could end up with a nasty cut if he hits you.
Good luck and keep us posted on your hunt.