Finally! My level are in check


Reef enthusiast
Last night I tested all my levels and they came out great!

SG - 1.023/1.024
Amm - 0
Nrite- 0
Nrate - 0 :^: This is the first time my trates have been 0
PH - 8.3
Phosphates - .01
DKH - 9
Calc - 450

I'm finally doing something right.
yeah I just saw that. I've never used a reactor so I cannot offer any help there. I look forward to seeing what you decide on though. Good luck!
Just checked my level this morning. The good is my phosphates are at 0. My dkh dropped to 7/8. I increased my dosing so we'll see if it brings it up.
I have to say CONGRATS on the 0 nitrates. I finally got rid of mine this week. It has been a pain!!! :)

Yes, it has bee quite a thorn in my side for the past few months. For about the first 3 months I had the tank my nitrates would stay around 20, then they eventually came down to 10. I added a refugium about 2 months ago and I couldn't be happier. Glad to hear your nitrates are at 0 as well. :bounce:
I went through the same problem. They kept hanging out around 20. Then they would dip down to 10 and then go back to 20. I added a fuge several months ago with some macro algae (which my turbo snails are eating) and then added some mangroves. I am very happy with the results!! :)