Fire Shrimp has white spots?


Reefing newb
Hi guys, I bought a fire shrimp 6 days ago and he seems well, eats very actively and usually stays in the top right corner of my tank. Just today I noticed these tiny white spots on him. I know these have bigger white spots as a pattern, but I don't think these are them. Inverts don't get that 'white spot'? thing, do they?

I should add, the back wall of my tank has them tiny white curl like things. I can't recall what they're called but they grow like white curls and he's usually right upto that wall, so could it just be that on him? And if it is, will it harm him?

Pic below.

Fire shrimp tend to have white it something that is actually a bump like those fan worms or is it his colouring? I know its common for fish and corals to brighten up after acclimation, but no idea about crustaceans.
Fire shrimp tend to have white it something that is actually a bump like those fan worms or is it his colouring? I know its common for fish and corals to brighten up after acclimation, but no idea about crustaceans.

They aren't the pattern spots of the shrimp. These came after. Here's a picture from a day after I bought the shrimp.


You can see the same side doesn't have that many spots.
Afaik ich is fish only. Ive never seen spots like that on a crustacean before though, im curious to see what others say
Yeah it's definitely not ich. I know for sure it's them curly white things on the back. My only concern is now, will it affect him?
It's not likely the curly white things (Spirorbid worms) the shrimp may be starting to molt. If by some chance the Spirorbid worms did attach themselves to the shrimps exoskeleton then when it molts it will shed them with the molt
It's not likely the curly white things (Spirorbid worms) the shrimp may be starting to molt. If by some chance the Spirorbid worms did attach themselves to the shrimps exoskeleton then when it molts it will shed them with the molt

I really hope so. Fire shrimps are a pretty penny here in the UK. I think it works out to $48.