Fire Shrimp


Reefing newb
I purchased a fire shrimp last week and noticed today it was messing with my BT anemone. The anemone immediatley began to shrink up. I was under the impression fire shrimp were peaceful. Should I be concerned about this?
Nope. They wander around looking at just about everything. I have a fire shrimp in my tank and he rustles around everywhere, but doesn't cause any realy problems. I have three BTA's and no harm has ever been done. Watch him, but don't worry unless it is clear he is a bandit and is eating your BTA (doubtful). They shrink up on their own and may not be directly correlated to the shrimp. Good luck.

-Dr Marco:sfish:
Shrimp may also try to steal food from your anemone come feeding time. Keep an eye out to make sure this isn't happening, or your anemone won't be happy.