First Aquarium Project

You could do that, but it would be much better to have all your rocks before you add the fish otherwise, you run a great risk of starting a minicycle.

And the seeding depends on how much live rock you have to dry, but it will all be live after the cycle or after a few months in the tank.
If I go the the FOWLR setup, and if I include the Green Spotted Puffer fish, can I only include fish that are aggressive in nature? Can I include fish that are larger than him but are peaceful in nature? What I am thinking is that if I use the GPS, I am limiting my selection of fish for the future and if I every wanted to add coral. I'm basically wieghing my options for future planning.
I just picked fish that you wouldnt be able to keep in a reef, but are still very cool, interesting fish that not many people enjoy.

And make sure that you check the tank requirements on these other fish, not every fish will live happily in every tank.
I liked the fish you recommended. I was reading their details and noticed that each was semi-aggressive.
So my rocks and non-living rocks shipped this morning and so did my two 750 under water blowers. By the end of the week, I should be able to start my cycling process.
I am looking for best bang for the buck on a testing kit. I seen some that is a all in one tester and contain 25 strips. I wasn't sure if there was some other method that is more efficient and cost friendly in the long run. What do y'all think?
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The test strips are junk, get your self a good liquid reagent kit. I would get API pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate test kits and then salfert brand for anything else.
The test strips are junk, get your self a good liquid reagent kit. I would get API pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate test kits and then salfert brand for anything else.

Is this the one you refer to?
[ame=] API SALTWATER MASTER TEST KIT: Pet Supplies[/ame]
I ordered the testing kit from API. I got it from 20 dollars on Amazon! So now I hurry up and wait! Rocks and sand should be here in thenext day or so. Also, I am getting around 20 pounds of live rock from a friend of mine which will give me over 50 punds of rocks total.
Quick Question: I ordered rock from and I was wondering if I should rince them. They look really clean but I have a chalky powder all over them which I think is just the rock powderizing. What do you all think?
Ok, so I was placing my rocks in the aquarium tonight while I am waiting on the sand and I was wondering if stacking the rocks is better or should I try to cover more of the aquarium floor? Another words, should I have a mountain or should I have a bunch of small hills? :)
Whatever your little heart desires :)

But make sure the rocks are right on the glass, and if you do stack them, make sure they are secured! You can zip tie the rocks together if you are worried about them falling. Falling rocks in a glass tank full of water is not a good situation.
lol, that funny, but not funny. I have them stacked in a trianglar shape, like mountian shap. The left and right side of the aquarium will have just sand though for now.
I read that the surface area of the live rock is what matters. By stacking them I figured more of the rock is exposed instead of one side of the large rocks being face down in the sand. I have 31 punds roughly of dead rock in there now. I am going to be purchasing some live rock in the next day or so when I add the water and throw in a shrimp:) I can't wait. This reminds me of the two courses in oceanography I took in college:)
Great to know. Thank you.
The smaller tank that I have my puffer in right now is now jsut under full salt water according to my hydrometer I bought the other day. The GPS is doing fine in but I can tell he just can't wait to get into this big tank and swim freely! :) His color is still bright green, unless he's resting. I haven't been able to get him to eat anything really other than fish flakes. I put one snail in there and he didn't notice it. How long before his teeth are a problem?