First Time Dealing w/ Dinoflagellates - HELP

Skylar Oborny

Reefing newb
I believe I am encountering Dinos , I have skimmed some information about it before. As of now I am thinking about following this method I had found here ---> , but idk if I should kill the lights since I have corals, would they die? Please help. Also, I know those are bubbles since I see them float to the top. I did not notice them this morning then I came back from class and noticed them covering about 40% of the sand and rocks. I really dont want to have to pull all my rock and boil it. What ways around this are there? You guys are the best thats why I ask you!

Are you sure they are dinos ? Other algae make air bubbles too, I see hair algae and some possible cyano but i can't see dinos for sure. You should look at @Marinne13 tank thread she had Dinos recently
I think you are right, it must be some sort of bubble producing algae. I think it has something to do with my lighting. Before I had a whitelight t5 light out along with a t5 actnic light. Ever since I have added the new bubs, bubbles have been producing only when the white light is on. Can someone explain this to me?
The white light must be just the right wavelength for the algae. Whenever I changed my lights it always caused a breef algae bloom.
Make yourself up some saltwater and take a hard piece of hose and try to siphon as much of that out of the tank as possible. I had dino's REALLY badly when I started from using well water. I siphoned them out every single day for like 3 weeks while also doing extra water changes and they finally went away. Its all about nutrient export