First timer here, looking for suggestions.

Coral banded shrimp are pretty aggressive, and I'd say the chances are pretty good that it would kill the peppermints. You may want to try another method of controlling them instead, like smothering them with kalk paste or salt paste.

As for a ray, they really need huge tanks with very little rock (lots of open sand bed space). This makes it difficult to keep other fish because the less rock you have, the less filtration you have.

The blenny, and most definitely the firefish, could easily be eaten by a lionfish.

Hmm I really don't want to lose my blenny, and my girlfriend will hate the lion if it eats her firefish... I guess that'll be my excuse to start setting up another tank :)

I am very interested in a fire angelfish.. Websites state that they only get around 4" big. But they are pretty tall fish, will the lion eventually eat something like that? I want to know what sort of options I have for the tank.