Flame Scallop

haha, maybe a porpous as well, i just wrote that because i hate when people with two hundred gallon tanks act like just because your tank isnt as big that you cant have a damn tang. I am an environmentalist just as much as anyone and i understand that every purchase i make affects the world,but when someone that cant keep a blue green chromis alive tries to tell me whats best for my fish i get kind of offended. My questions had nothing to do with my fish and everyone that chimes in on stuff they heard it just pisses me off a little bit. but i do appreciate the input. This website has helped me make the awesome ass tank that i have now.
Nobody here is up on a high horse about the size of their tank.
History shows tangs don't do well in 55 gallon tanks.
Maybe you will get lucky.
there jus looking for the best benafit for the tang thats all no1 is trying to offend anybody,my favorite fish is a trigger and i want one bad but that doesnt mean ill put it in a 30g ya know,
haha, maybe a porpous as well, i just wrote that because i hate when people with two hundred gallon tanks act like just because your tank isnt as big that you cant have a damn tang. I am an environmentalist just as much as anyone and i understand that every purchase i make affects the world,but when someone that cant keep a blue green chromis alive tries to tell me whats best for my fish i get kind of offended. My questions had nothing to do with my fish and everyone that chimes in on stuff they heard it just pisses me off a little bit. but i do appreciate the input. This website has helped me make the awesome ass tank that i have now.

Its actually 125 gal tank, and I could care less how big your tank is, I care about the tang. Its a fact that they shouldn't be in a tank that small. There are things I would like to have but my tank is too small so I don't keep them.

In your original post you did ask about adding more fish, so I was commenting on that, and adding that you're already over your limit on the tang. YOU are being SELFISH by keeping a fish in a tank that isn't big enough for it, but thats your deal I guess, and you're not the only one. Every single legitimate site and all the info shows that a 55gal is too small for a tang, its not just what I've heard. Someone who really cares about the animal simply wouldn't keep one in there...But again that's up to you.

For whatever reason, my guess is the shipping was hard on them, and because they were so small, I haven't been able to have success with the chromis. So instead of killing more fish I choose not to keep trying, but you can keep right on with your tang.

Contrary to how this post probably comes across I'm not trying to talk down to you, and its nothing personal, but you are on a fish/reef forum and WE DO CARE ABOUT THE ANIMALS, and we will comment when something isn't right. I wish you the best of success and I really hope that Tang is fine and happy and is for years to come, but with your size tank, you're fighting an up hill battle to keep that tang alive and well.
Its actually 125 gal tank, and I could care less how big your tank is, I care about the tang. Its a fact that they shouldn't be in a tank that small. There are things I would like to have but my tank is too small so I don't keep them.

In your original post you did ask about adding more fish, so I was commenting on that, and adding that you're already over your limit on the tang. YOU are being SELFISH by keeping a fish in a tank that isn't big enough for it, but thats your deal I guess, and you're not the only one. Every single legitimate site and all the info shows that a 55gal is too small for a tang, its not just what I've heard. Someone who really cares about the animal simply wouldn't keep one in there...But again that's up to you.

For whatever reason, my guess is the shipping was hard on them, and because they were so small, I haven't been able to have success with the chromis. So instead of killing more fish I choose not to keep trying, but you can keep right on with your tang.

Contrary to how this post probably comes across I'm not trying to talk down to you, and its nothing personal, but you are on a fish/reef forum and WE DO CARE ABOUT THE ANIMALS, and we will comment when something isn't right. I wish you the best of success and I really hope that Tang is fine and happy and is for years to come, but with your size tank, you're fighting an up hill battle to keep that tang alive and well.

+1Cottonwood its only a matter of doing a bit of research. that is key before you buy your fish friends there are many factors on keeping them. every thing has it's limits. Also i am vary sure every one on this forum would love to have something they cant have due to what ever the reason may be. so its not an attack as much as relaying info how one takes it is up to them. you can take what is said at face value or you can say thanks and leave it at that that's my :twocents:
Guys, let it go. No one likes to be lectured. You gave some advice, now its up to the OP whether to follow it or not.
I've had my say...I was done...just couldn't the jab at my poor green chromis keeping skills and his idea that I felt I was better because I have a bigger tank. It has nothing to do with any of that.