
That's the same ones I had.....Did you blow off the rocks during the treatment? I used a hand held powerhead that I used to get all over the rocks. That seemed to help flush them out. Give it a day or so and see if they are gone. I had a few still alive after the treatment also.
I looked again 24 hours later and saw none. I was just surprised that after I put way too much of the stuff in there, that any could still be alive. I did you use a turkey baster to blast the LR.

(BTW, after the 40% water change my Ph was completely unchanged and still at 7.8?!)
It look like a Planeria to me and FlatwormXit should work to help clear it up. I dip all my new corals in an iodine bath like Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure before introducing them into my tank. Understandably I get a bit paranoid about introducing things like flatworms into my display tanks. I also believe that dipping a new coral in an iodine solution helps it recover from the stress of transport and reduces the chance of microbial/bacterial infection on the new coral.
Their back and and now more than before --but none are on the corals. I've heard it said that some flatworms are benign.
There's no trace of any of them now. Long story short: The came, I treated them with an accidental overdose of flatworm exit that seemed to have no effect on them at all and then 2 weeks later thay all vanished.