Green Star Polyp Okay?

well about mid to late afternoon they were all coming out pretty nicely. They look to be fine now. Seem to like the better flow. Thanks everyone for your help. Guess I was really worried since it is my first coral. Can't wait for it to spread like the weed it is! :)
Glad to see its okay. You just wait it will start growing like grass! I think it is soo cool looking. When I get a big tank I want to have a big section just for the Gsp to grow on. It will look like a meadow in the
Glad to see its okay. You just wait it will start growing like grass! I think it is soo cool looking. When I get a big tank I want to have a big section just for the Gsp to grow on. It will look like a meadow in the
I love the stuff! I was actually going to ask you what types of corals you have in your 29 under the LED's. Ours will be coming next week hopefully and I'd like to get some more corals soon.
I have Gsp, hammer, nepthea, candy cane, ricordias, duncans, green birdsnest, purple acro, green montipora, lots of palys and zoas. A maxi mini Anemone and a bubbletip Anemone. Oh and acans. That's everything.