Hello & Welcome!


Reefing newb
This forum is specifically for the use of those NEW to saltwater aquariums, so if your new and need some help post it here.


Chris Edwards


Just starting out with a starter kit for marine fish. In fact with any fish since i had gold fish as a kid:) Have had it up and running for 6 weeks, so all help and advice is welcome.

For starters can anyone recommend a good, easy to read book on tank and water matience? There seem to be so many out there!

Also this is my first time on a forum so any advice there would also be handy.

Thanks Chris

was unable to find it on uk amazon but did find - "your first compleat aquarium" by the same author so hopefully will be just as useful.

Also an abscure question for you - i have a crap that must have arrived with the live rock will it be ok in the tank or do craps need a environment where they can get to land?
There are plenty of crabs that stay under water full time. Take a picture of it and post it and we will se if we can not identify it for you. Anything that comes with your live rock is called a hitchhiker. Some are good and some are real bad.

Natural Reef Aquariums John Tullock Libray of congress cataloging ISBN 1-890087-00-9 (pkb) also, you may consider The Tropical MARINE FISH Survival Manual by Gordon Kay reprinted 2004 Library of Congress CAtalog No. 95-21172 . this would be a nice companion to the natrual reef aq. book.
Just noticed the spelling issues on the post about the crabs hope it made you laugh!:)

There isnt really a turd in my tank:)

When I was growing up in Florida my father used to take me sailing and my mothers favorite story to this day is how I used to call hermit crabs "rocks with craps". So I never noticed util you pointed it out! :lol:
A book called Saltwater aquariums for dummies has been usefull to me numerous amount of times it breaks it all down for you easy instructions accompanied with illustrations. Hope this helps.