

Reefing newb
Hi there,

I'm a fairly new saltwater enthusiast, though I do have the advantage of working a a good pet store with a small but accomadating saltwater department. :sfish:


I started out around Dec. of 2009 with a small 14g tall tank, a heater and a backfilter filled with fragmented liverock, a 20# bag of silicate free sand, a handful of caulerpa and 7 pounds of live rock(LR). I let that cycle for about a month with once a week water changes, then began adding fish (1 firefish, 1 emerald crab, 2 yellow fin blue damsels and 1 yellow damsel, and a feather duster) . I had great success (with the exception of a fireworm attack on one unfortunate little crab, who was later replaced with two other little crabs), and found I enjoyed the hobby A LOT. However, I began to realize what I really NEEDED was a larger tank. :mrgreen: lolol.

So I began neurotically checking craigslist 3 sometimes 4 times a day. I would search the for sale and pet sections for the following words:
-fish tank
-fish tanks
:rofl: Why? Because each of these queries brought up different listings, lol. So eventually I found my 46g bow front tank with stand, fluval 304 canister filter, 2 large lighting fixtures, 30 pounds of LR and many misc. supplies, (some of which I threw out as I felt they may be unsanitary to reuse) all for $150.00 and the chore of pick up and a lot of cleaning. Anyone who has looked into this hobby can tell you that's a rockin' deal.


After buying the above supplies, I combined them with some of the items from my first set up, which pretty much worked. However, I wasn't really happy with that so I had to start fiddling around...

The 46g setup (for now...):
-tank & stand
-fluval 304 canister filter - filled bottom 2 baskets with LR frag, top basket with particulate sponge, and front panel with buffering sponge
-small backfilter from previous tank - filled with LR frag
-powerhead - large sponge particulate filter attached
-small underwater fan for better circulation
-1 appropriately sized heater (the old smaller heater didn't cut it)
-60# silicate free sand
-20# live sand
-40# LR
-large lighting fixture (custom won't bother you with the long description - electrician friends rock!)

I'm pretty happy with the current setup and have moved the 14g population over, and added 2 paired(mated hopefully) ocellaris clowns, 1 unidentified anemone (which my little clowns have so far ignored but it is a baby so fingers crossed), and a colony of green zoanthids.

So there is my long intro post, lol. :D I will post an updated picture as soon as this last cycle is through, thanks for the info!


Hello and welcome to the site...glad to have you. Your tank looks very good, and yeah, that 46gal was a great deal.
Thanks, :)

The camera is just a sony 10.0 mega pixel point and shoot, I'm still learning how to use it as it is fairly new.

I had to troll craigslist for about 2 months to find that kind of a deal though, lol.