Hermit Crabs


Reef enthusiast
Do hermit crabs molt?

I am almost positive that I only have one and I still seem him in there in him shell but I see what looks to be the skeleton of another green one about the same size.

Do green hermits molt?
most hermits drop their shell when they outgrow it and hunt down a bigger shell. If they cannot find one, they will seek out a snail with a shell that is bigger, kill it, and then steal the shell.

Emerald crabs, strawberry crabs, Acro crabs, etc molt

most hermits drop their shell when they outgrow it and hunt down a bigger shell. If they cannot find one, they will seek out a snail with a shell that is bigger, kill it, and then steal the shell.

Emerald crabs, strawberry crabs, Acro crabs, etc molt


Yup. That's what happened to me. I had some empty shells all over the tank but i guess the hermit wanted the snail's. So in the morning i noticed a Hermit with a snail shell...but now he has to dodge my yellow tang trying to pick at the algae on the shell...ha ha ha