Hermits Eating Live Rock


Reefing newb
This may be a silly question but I have only had my saltwater aquarium for about a month.. I just bought 10 assorted hermit crabs and when they were released into the tank they swarmed the live rock and have stayed on for several hours now... Could they hurt the live rock by eating everything on it? Also, I bought a serpent starfish which was very active in the bag but when I began to acclimate it (via drip method for 2 hours) and after being placed in the aquarium its not so active... just kind of sitting on the floor. Should I be concerned? Thank you for any help!
That's what hermit crabs do is pick at the rock. If you have snails they'll kill one every now and then for the shell or just for fun. As for the serpent give him time to adjust. When I first got mine he went into the rock and didn't see it for awhile.
Try feeding your serpent some pieces of fish food or meaty bits. It should readily accept the food, wrapping its leg around it and drawing it up to its mouth. If it's just sitting lifeless on the sand not moving and not eating, well then you have a problem.
Its probably not good if its out in the open but if it retrieted and is sitting there its normal. I have had one for 2 years and seen it less than ten times. For some reason I got one that never ever comes out of hiding though most people see theirs frequently. Hermits are completely normal activity