Hi everybody! New here and already needing some advice...

Imaginary Friend

Reefing newb
Hi Everyone, so first off I love this site already, and am excited about building my first Marine Aquarium but I am a complete and utter noob when it comes to all this. I am attempting at putting together a home for a Conch, I was hoping that some one would know what kind it is and could tell me how to best take care of it. I live about 25- 30 mins from Ocean City, MD and my sister and I went to the beach and found it there. I currently have a 10.4 gallon tank ( i think?) that i bought off a friend, and I also have gotten some CaribSea 'Oolite' Live Sand for the tank (will this be a good kind for it?). How do i keep it well while getting the tank ready? I have a Whisper filter not sure if that is good for this type of animal until i get an upgrade or not (any suggestions?). What should i feed it? and do i need a wavemaker? We dont have many stores for this hobby around here so i was also wondering if some one could recommend a reputable online store as well for equipment and supplies? Sorry about all of the questions, I know its a lot but I've attached a couple of pic's below... and thanx so much...
Welcome aboard.
Your attachments wouldnt open.You might try uploading the pics to photobucket.com.Then posting them is as easy as copy and paste.
The best advice I can give on the conch,is to return it to the ocean untill you can get the tank set up and cycled.Being as conchs feed on algae and diatoms,it'll take a while for the tank to be able to support it.
Also, if you got the conch off of the coast of MD, it's not a tropical species that would be able to survive in a typical saltwater setup. It will need much lower temperatures and would likely boil to death in a tank.