Hi my name is Larry


Hi, I am glad to be on the forum. I have a 55 gal reef tank with lots of rock. I have two anemones. One is a long-tentacled and is hosting two orange percula clowns. The other is a bubble-tip and is hosting two black percula clowns and a anemone crab. I also have a coral beauty and sailfin tang. I have recently found and interest in the SPS corals. I have had the tank going for about 11 years and have had great luck with it. I installed a homemade plenum and have a very deep sandbed. I have had great results with low nitrates/nitrites. I have purposely stayed away from sumps, refugiums, drip systems and anything else complicated. I have 2-250W, 10K and 4-T5 actinic lighting it up. I have a huge interest in fragging and selling to hobbysists in my home town because the selection here is poor.