

Reefing newb
hi everyone, i have had a saltwater tank for around 4 yrs, fowlr, and mostly have just putz around with it. i started with a 30 gal, got it to a point where it was very good clean. then went to a 55 gal for about a year. now i have a 75 gal and it is giving me fits. too much algea and i really want to step up my saltwater knowlege.
Hello and welcome to the site! Are you using tap water? Or RODI water? Any chance your tank is overstocked or you're overfeeding?
Welcome to the reef.
I to went from a 30 to a 55 to a 75.Currently running a 125.:D
Tell us a little about what you have.
Hello and welcome to the site. What are your water params, and how long has it been since you replaced your light bulbs?
Hiya and welcome. Remember algea loves nitrates, phosphates, and light. If its growing then it has too much food