How are the tanks coming along jerm and jelly???

uh oh sounds like a good story to come soon...

Anyways the pics from this weekend turned out seriously yellow... i'm still new to the photo thing... so hopefully next meeting i'll be able to snap some good ones.

It was our VERY FIRST experience with an overflow so it took us a while to get it going. Not to mention that neither one of us got a whole lot of sleep last night. The problem was that we had the U-tubes backwards and in the wrong place and the box on the inside of the tank was to low. Nothing a mop wont take care of.
Here is a pic of jellyman's 125.

RevReefer said:
Hey did those zoas I gave you open up yet?
yes infact they opened up fully 30 mins after I put them in and now that the 14k is on them they look awesome purple inside with yellow tips thank you very much man.
Bifferwine said:
Looks really cool Chris. Congrats.
thanks hon Im more excited now that she is up and running and thank you jerm for your hard work and dedicated effort we have a small leak in the lines from the filter to the overflow other than that she looks awesome!! :Cheers:
bkv1997 said:
uh oh sounds like a good story to come soon...

Anyways the pics from this weekend turned out seriously yellow... i'm still new to the photo thing... so hopefully next meeting i'll be able to snap some good ones.

I knew nothing about overflows especially hang on overflows and jerm was too tired to think so he started the siphon on the u-tubes and ended up flooding my floor :D we couldn't figure out what the problem was so we called Chip (the original owner of the tank) yeah it seems the in tank portion is a regulator for the u-tubes so that it doesnt over flow more then the filter can return. You know how I thought my house was a mess now there is a mountain of jugs, empty water cases and a mountain of unused water in the area where my 30 sits not to mention tons of foot prints from goin in and out of the house to unload the 50 cases of water the tank and contents and the flooding needless to say to make a long story short I dont see extral marital relations with my wife in the not so distant future :Cheers:
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is it possible to have extra marital intercourse with your own wife? cause that would definatly make it more interesting! ill try it tonight and let yall know! :bounce:
Yeah I was going to post the same thing Iron... But then I figured it'd be smarter of me to just let that one go ;). But since you brought it up. HAHA!
Ironman said:
is it possible to have extra marital intercourse with your own wife? cause that would definatly make it more interesting! ill try it tonight and let yall know! :bounce:


Jelly your new tank looks awesome and the color looks great as well. OBTW your welcome for the frag, I am glad you likey!
Bifferwine said:
Yeah I was going to post the same thing Iron... But then I figured it'd be smarter of me to just let that one go ;). But since you brought it up. HAHA!
you have a wife?? and tin-man you are the wife :D
RevReefer said:

Jelly your new tank looks awesome and the color looks great as well. OBTW your welcome for the frag, I am glad you likey!
thanks man now I cant wait for it to cycle and put all the corals in there :D
That a Boy! Thats the way to do it!

On a side note how will you enjoy your tank when your dead? After your wife smells that stuff cooking your DEAD dude! LOL!
nope shell stay in the room watching tv with the door closed they substrate I got with the tank was soaked in bleach yep chlorinated die off yummy I was only half way through the first bucket and she asked what died and shut the door :D yep sex is really looking out of the question for me
Tank looks good - I like the color of the bulbs. Now comes the hard part...waiting for it to cycle!!

If the leak you had was on the fittings where the hose screws onto the overflow, unscrew it and put a very thin layer of aquarium silicone on the threads - that will seal it right up. A trick I learned from iron. Can't wait to see the rock you get in. congrats!!
JellyMan said:
well hey brother how are things in your neck of the woods? Yes indeed finally got it last night worked on it till 3:00 this morning she is comeing along fine took almost 3 hours to clean the cc due to the D.A. letting it soak in bleach the rock was decent but cant complain overall they gave me an extra 7 pounds of decent rock for the headache ohh and guess what I now have a 400w 14000 over my 30 shes a beauty cant wait to post pics :D

Ok I quoted this because I found out that Chip was the one who put the bleach on it my apologies Chip I wasnt aware it was you. Your not a D.A. infact you and the guys at bermuda have been a very big help indeed I know I have annoyed you guys as much as putting the tank up has annoyed me I finally fixed the overflow the found that one of the hoses wasnt on strong didnt realise it till last night theres another 5 gallons in my floor had a new batch of saltwater mixed up and one of my demons threw a hair clip in there didnt notice it untill last night yes saltwater will rust them have to throw them out, my skimmer is kicking on overdrive pushing way too much fractionated foam that its just turning back into water and filling up way too quick its been a mad house trying to get this tank right though I think I finally got it last night. I want to take the time to thank Chip the owner of the wonderful tank not only for takeing the time to talk with me to discuss the overflow issue but for calling me again that evening to check with me Sorry again man. John for the questions and concerns Ive had and if its any consulation your store is the top so far alot of quanity, clean invironment and a great darting opponent. Scott for the endless calls and questions, Jerm for your dedicated work with the issues of the tank and last but certainly not least the club members on the forums thats helped me along the way youve been great sorry if I offended anyone that wasnt my intenions.