How do you know when it's time for a water change?

usually by weekly, or monthy is a good habit to get into. and you know when its time for a water change when your test indicate bad parameters
I suggest 10-15% weekly because it helps with algae control. But you can do bi weekly 20%, but i usually always do a little more than the usual suggested amounts just because i'm usually always battling some kind of algae.
Thanks, guys, I knew I wasn't supposed to yet because my tank is new but I am seeing some algae so maybe it's time. I'll do a thorough check of my numbers today.

Once the cycle is over,you should get in a routine of doing water changes rather you need it or not.How much and how often will depends on what works best for you and salty friends.
I know its time for a water change when I wake up and its Sunday.
10 to 20% once a week is a habit worth getting into.
Like others have said, the trick is to do it before your tank needs it. Preventing poor water quality is a lot easier than fixing it!
softie tanks less demanding i do 15 percent every 3 months, leathers and all the sponge in my tanks filter out alot of stuff and i use chaeto for nutrient export, nothing real calcium demanding.