How long to get a neglected sun coral eating?


Mr. Paranoid
Hi all,

I just got a yellow and a orange sun coral. I got them cheap as the old owner had not been feeding them and wanted them to go to a good home. The yellow has been opening up every night quite a lot. the orange does not. he opens a tiny bit well into the night but that is it...

I have been feeding well into the night and figure I will slowly move the time back as they start to regularly feed.

How long before the orange open fully? Biff? I know you have rehabilitated some sun corals too.... how did it go for you?
It took several weeks for my damaged sun coral to open up. That seems to indicate that they can last a lot longer without food than I initially thought... Whenever you see the polyps extended, give it food. Hopefully as it gets bigger and stronger, it will come out more and more. Mine is coming back slowly, even though I've had it for about 2 months now. I've noticed that healthy ones grow and spread like crazy. Unhealthy ones take a long time to show any growth.