I got eggs!


I am a girl
So I guess my clowns finally decided to hook up? I've had them for like 5 years and they've never acted like a mated pair. They get along, but don't act like they are in tandem, you know. Today I saw a bunch of eggs in their usual spot! I'll post pics tomorrow after I clean the glass (hopefully they'll still be there). Bow chicka bow wow!
Not the clearest pics, because I had just scraped the glass and there was crap floating around.

Look at those parents to be! Beaming with pride! They are being very protective of their young.

I am just really, really surprised. I've had them for 5 years now and they've never paired up or laid eggs. Then all of a sudden! Love must be in the air.




Biff what is that type of coral they laid their eggs in. I have that exact type and have no idea what it is:shock:
nice grandma biff. wonder if you will be there to see the little fry just before the rest of your livestock decimates them.