In over my head Update!

Tank update, found a very small feather duster on a rock today:bounce:...well atleast thats what it looks like. Hard tannish tube pencil lead size white head thing with bright red feelers.

Hows that for tech talk:mrgreen:

Cant get good pic
Thats close enough.:D
Actually Mantis aint as bad as most folks think.I've got one running around my tank right now ( makes either 8 or 9 so far ) but he hasnt bothered anything except for pods,so I'm not gonna chase him.
SO...Im going with a algae scubber as my main and only filter. I bought one from Santa Monica 100 it came the other day. All I need is a pump to run the damn thing. I will be taking pics of the tank to see just how well this thing works. I have read alot about it from his site and in books, I dont know why more people dont use these.

I currently only have added 3 tubro snails and an emrald crab.