Inverts list?


Reefing newb
Ok, so I'm STILL waiting for my tank to cycle (on day 13) and so to try to ease my impatience a bit, I was trying to get a list of what kind of inverts and how many of them I can put in my tank after it's cycled. It's a 75 gallon. I'm looking to put together a peaceful tank and want a variety of crabs, snails, shrimps and whatever else can be put in there. I want a busy busy tank with lots of stuff happening and an assortment of species. Also, in the future, I will have corals so they have to be reef friendly. Recommendations?
Shrimp have great personalities. I love shrimp! There are a few types that are common in the hobby: cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp, sexy shrimp.

Emerald crabs, serpent stars and urchins are wonderful too. There are a lot of different urchins out there, and a lot of different colors.
But all of what you listed can co-exist in the same tank peacefully? What kind of quantity can I have of them?

I was at a store that's probably one of the most popular ones privately owned around here and they had this setup, had a huge black urchin and a very large lionfish in the tank. I thought it looked awesome but not sure I'd want one (the urchin). It was all black and had white dots on it. Those weren't eyes were they? lol! Either way, it was pretty awesome to see my first one and it looked great.
That sounds like a long spine urchin, which should only be kept in large tanks. There are lots of urchins with shorter spines like tuxedos and halloween urchins that are better choices for most tanks.

All of those inverts will get along with each other.