Is vodka dosing an accepted practice?


daily puffer
Just read a very thorough artical on vodka dosing. Seems too good to be true. Is this a common accepted practice? If so why isn't everyone doing it? One shot for for the tank...salute!
From what I understand, it works because you are feeding bacteria the vodka and in order to grow, they consume the nutrients in the water. Then the skimmer takes out the extra bacteria. Not many people do vodka/carbon dosing since it requires a meticulous routine. Also, if you over dose, you can very easily crash a tank.

I know there was a member on here that attempted it, but not sure what their results were.
+1 BJ - it can be very touchy and probably not the best practice for someone new to take on.
It's generally used to get tanks to a very low nutrient level, and many types of corals would need supplemental feeding, defeating the purpose. This is why you see it largely on SPS only tanks.