July POTM Entries

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damn, i'm impressed, i guess i've gotta go get me a macro lense for my DSLR, cause i'm not even anywhere close to that kinda quality yet,
Dude... That is without any special lens... That is straight up "Cannon Powershot A630" in Manual Mode with a couple hours of tweaking the white balance, ASA and ISO...

............and I have NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING! And out of a crap-load of pics, that is the only one that turned out that nice.

I cant WAIT to scopp up an SLR with a Macro lens!
I guess I should have read the last post...

That's nice I love the mirror look you get from the top of the water. DId you check out some pics I took over at Chad's last night?
please explain...

D2mini is a member here at Living Reefs. He is quite skilled with a camera. His pics are always good and when he enters, few others have beat him. Alexanders comment was that your skill level is somewhat similar to his and us amateurs will have two skilled photogs to compete with in POTM. It is pretty competitive around here and we all have a lot of fun with it. So bring it on and good luck!

Also a note, if I am not mistaken, you can only enter 1 pic a month and it must be of your tank, no one else's.
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Thanks for the explanation bigploch. I should have read the rules instead of diving right in. As far as my buddy kraash’s tank pic please disregard. But, that first pic is of my little buddy runt in my 75 glass box of rocks. Awesome about the competitive nature that makes it fun. If I ever win one I will be sure to stay out of it for awhile then.
Ram,I love all those SPS in your friends tank.
But had to delete the pic as per contest rules.
Why do I get the feeling that I am WAYYYYY out of my league in here...

HA! AWESOME shots Guys and Gals! One day.... Maybe one day Ill be able to be worthy to compete!

Thanks for the explanation bigploch. I should have read the rules instead of diving right in. As far as my buddy kraash’s tank pic please disregard. But, that first pic is of my little buddy runt in my 75 glass box of rocks. Awesome about the competitive nature that makes it fun. If I ever win one I will be sure to stay out of it for awhile then.

No worries. Yote got you taken care of. And as far as staying out if you win, nonsense. Competition is what makes everyone better. Just be prepared to answer questions from the unskilled photogs (myself included) about how you do it! Dennis (D2mini) and several others will provide you with all the competition you desire.

With your skill level, you should be chasing down much more difficult to capture fish than clowns. I try to make it abundantly evident that I tire of the huge quantity of clown pics.
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wow thats funny... I need to make a sig cause my name is Dennis as well. I take pics of my clownfish runt because it is such a camera hog. no problem finding other fish to capture its not too difficult with an external flash. just have to have patience.
They are in my photobucket account... I can start a thread and see if I can get kraash to join this site.

Were all about the pics here:D
And yeah,invite him to join here.We may not be as big as RC,but I think he'd be hard pressed to find as friendly a site anywhere else.:Cheers:
All these clownfish and anemones keep winning,I'm gonna go get me a pair of clowns and a FAKE anemone:mrgreen:
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