leather toadstool problem

clownfish cj

Reefing newb
My leather toadstool is not getting big when my lights come on anymore. It used to shrivel up at night and during the day get big but now it is just staying small. What is wrong?
Leathers do that all the time. They can do that for a whole month, sometimes even longer! They usually bounce back bigger than ever. Just make sure you keep good water quality & you should be fine. You dont have any SPS in the tank do you?
Well that's good b/c they're the most sensitive to the toxins that leathers release during that phase, but still just the same, I'd run some carbon from time to time just so it can suck up some of those toxins. I no longer trust leather corals of any sort anymore b/c everything could just be perfect in your tank & that same leather can just up & die on you when you're not around, then just like that...TANK CRASH. I once had an unhappy leather that decided to die & nuke my tank while I was gone for 2 days. I lost $650+ worth of SPS & LPS.
should I just get rid of the leather toadstool then? It is the only leather coral I have. Is it worth the risk of having it for the rest of my tank's health?
Sorry for late reply,I feel asleep. IME, the chances of it just conking out on you are very slim as thay are a very hardy coral so I'd have to say that it's all about how much you like the coral. I'm just traumatized from that 1 incident that's all. Plus I have over $2000 worth of LPS & a couple 100 in SPS now so.....NO MORE LEATHERS FOR ME!!!!