LED conversion from metal halide


Reefing newb
Hi everyone. I have a metal halide fixture that was bought from aquatraders awhile ago. It wasnt until recently that I realized my moon lights are on the same power cord as my T5's, so setting up a light timer almost becomes pointless since it has to be a manual switch.

This has me completely second guessing my set up, and wondering what can be done about it. I do like the thought of LEDs, but trying to keep things clean seems like a P.I.T.A. I was wondering if there was possibly a way that I could remove everything from my metal halide fixture (housing), and retrofit it for LEDs. I know I would need to find a proper sized heatsink, and a new splash guard.

Has anyone attempted anything like this, or is there an easier way to go about all of this?
Contact Mike at RapidLED.com and see if they have anything for you. They may have specs on your fixture and can send you a heat sink that bolts in, then the rest is up to you. You could have them build it for you as well. They did my 24 bio cube, and it is awesome.