Lighting a 20" frag tank.


Reefing newb
So I pulled the trigger for a 20"x20"x8" frag tank and now I am looking at what kind of light to get for it. I want to be able to grow anything in it. I have three of the eBay units over my 180 and they do pretty well but I'm thinking that those are 16" long and with the frag tank being only 20" long and 8" deep, I probably want to have a good gap between the tank and the light and that could make a lot of light flow past the tank. Would this sized unit be good for this sized tank?

Also, I'm not wanting to drop a ton on lights. Maybe $200 max. And I want to do LED no matter what. I was looking at par38 bulbs. Would one or more of these bulbs grow decent coral or should I stick with an actual unit? If par38's will work, which are the good ones?
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