Lighting question


Reefing newb
Hi everyone!
I am new to coral, so I was wondering what type of light would you reccommend for coral/anemone (since I want to keep both.)
What size/dimensions tank are you looking to light up. I've successfully kept sps/anenomes under t5 but if it's a smaller tank you could get a MH or led fixture for that price. Led will have a lower (none) long term cost due to not needing to but replacement bulbs, however we'll need someone to weigh in with LED/anemone experience.
Best bet is find a nice 6 or 8 bulb T5HO fixture with individual reflectors, but at $200, that's probbly challenging at best. Lighting isn't really the area to skimp since chances are its a lesser investment than what the corals will cost.
I bought a knockoff fixture from amazon and bought some high end t5 HO's to put into it and my corals/ LTA is diong great! This is on a 55 as well I think the fixture only cost like 80 and the lights 30 each.