Marine Betta


Reefing newb

I'm a noobie to the forum and a total noobie to the saltwater tank still. I have a 55 gallon reef tank that is about 6 weeks old. I just got a new Marine Betta and he seems to have found his home in a cave behind some live rock on the back side of my tank...completely hidden from view. Do you guys think it would be okay to move my rock around to make him more visible?
Hi! Welcome aboard! Your fish will hide if it wants to. Moving the rock around will just freak it out. Let it settle in and it will come out more. :)
I love the marine betta but have never considered one since I've read they are noctural (booo) and not very active during the day. Hope yours stays out and about more for you....
Welcome aboard.
Marine Betta's spend 90% of their lives hidden withing the reefs.You'll catch a glimpse of him ever so often,but don't expect to see him a lot.
They are vary beautiful fish but for display fish they kind of suck for the same reasons everyone has said. Being most of there lives are spent hidden in a cave. Good luck with that fish friend Just remember they get 6-7in when adult :D
Hey there & welcome! You should never compromise the comfort of your fish just so you can see him more often. That's just not fair. Give him/her some time to associate you with food when you feed several times then you should see it more often. Hunger will beat out shyness most of the time. Good luck with your new fish.