Maroon clownfish fighting


Reefing newb
I have two maroon clownfish and I thought they would be fine , but there fins are all ruffed up and torn. I'm not sure what to do about it. I am worried because they are the only fish in the tank they will not let any other fish into the tank. (one of the clownfish is not agressive, but the one that is hurt us the one that is hurting the other clownfish) Any suggestions?
I haven't been in the hobby long, but I do know that it can sometimes be difficult for two clown fish to get along if one is added a while after the other one, and I don't mean like an hour later. Also, if you added them at the same time, and they are both the same size, they may be trying to become a pair and find out which one should become the bigger female. Although if they are the same size, one of them WILL accidentally get killed.
Forever. Maroons are probably one of the most aggressive clown fish and they are likely NOT going to get along with each other. One will have to be re-homed. I have a large maroon in my 60 and he chases my blue damsel and goes after my arm when I clean the tank. A Maroon should have been the last fish added to the tank as it will most likely not tolerate any fish that are added after it unless that fish is just as aggressive as the clown.