Maroon Clownfish


Reefing newb
I just purchased my first fish for my tank, I love my maroons so I got one. He is sooooo beautiful and so far so good. I was just wondering if any of you all have experienced your fish loving to swim in the currants. He has a swimming pattern that is so much fun to watch and he loves swimming in my heavy currant areas. I was just wondering if any of yours do this?
Mine do. Well... one does. I have a male and a female. The male just kind of hangs back in the rocks. The female is all over but she'll sit right in the front of the fan and swim in place. They're so fun.
Yes they are! Be prepared to get bitten...often. They can be pretty territorial and will see your hand as a threat.
Thanks to everyone, I have never had a mean maroon and this is my second go round with them. I put my hand in the tank and it just ignores me and goes on about it's business. Maybe some are different than others? Thanks for all of the comments. Everything is going swimmingly!
Tetra, wait till it grows up and becomes a female XD

mine are completely different, but thats because they have an anemone each. they spend most of their time biting my damsel when he comes close to the nem
Mine had his own bed at nite time.
