My filter is moving my sand


Saltwater Guy
I just set up my tank a week ago. I have a 55 gallon tank and all I have right now is a filter for it and the filter is blowing my sand to where you can see the bottom of the tank. I know I need a power head will this make the sand stay put. It just seems weird that the filter is making this much current to move the sand on the bottom. I also know i need more live rock. Is it ok to still cycle my tank with some live rock then add more later on?
awesome. what about the filter moving my sand. I have a bare spot in my sand now because of my filter. Is it because I dont have a powerhead to move the current to the side?
If you add fish, you'll want to avoid adding more live rock later. Only because there's a chance that adding more live rock will create a mini-cycle. Instead if you want my rock later on add dry rock instead. A powerhead probably won't stop your filter from stirring up the sand. Could you build up the rocks where the water flows back in that way it will stop it from reaching the sand there.
awesome. what about the filter moving my sand. I have a bare spot in my sand now because of my filter. Is it because I dont have a powerhead to move the current to the side?
What kind of filter do u have becuase some filter doesnt work in saltwater and cuases algae problems
I agree with BL1, you're just cycling your tank, you might as well work with it. Add the live rock as you cycle or add dry rock later, but get your tank set first before the fist, your wallet will thank you.

Ad yes build some of that rock where the filter will get deflected rather than push your sand, that's a pain to constantly correct.
on the sand moving, check power heads location, return location. Also check if the current is hittin off the walls of the duisplay tank, this will cause turbulance as well to move sand.
I have a aqueon 55. Thats what the people at petco told me would work. I bought some deluxe kit from there. Came with tank and filter and then i bought a stand. I only have one piece of live rock and two pieces of dry rock. They say the live rock will spread to the dry rock. But I am thinking about buying more live rock and dry rock this weekend.
Yup, the live rock will turn the dry rock into live in a few months. Ideally you should have 1-2 pounds of rock per gallon.