My poor fish!


Reefing newb
I can't believe what happened yesterday...My beautiful Maroon clown "Maggie" got stuck in my Remora pump! I bought the skimmer used from a fellow hobbyist and he forgot to give me the plastic filter piece that goes over the part of the pump that sucks in the water...I was concerned about getting that piece but couldn't find it at any LFS. OK Back to the story of my fish....I walked by my tank yesterday and saw her body sticking out of the pump not moving at all. I about fainted! I turned off the pump and when she fell out she looked dead, her body was curled up like when a fish dies and she had a indention ring around her head from the suction and one of her eyes was popped out or swollen! I held her in my hand under the water and saw that she was barely breathing out of one gill so I started swishing her around in my hand and then she started breathing out of the other gill I continued moving her back and forth in the water and then she started moving her fins and slowly swam out of my hand but dove face first in the rock. At this point I thought for sure she was going to die but I wasn't going to give up on her so I tried to grab her again to gently move her through the water like I had been doing but when my hand got close she got spooked and swan behind a big rock and fell to the bottom of the tank. Now I was thinking OH NO she will die back there and I won't be able to get her out. Then suddenly she swam up towards me and into her favorite spot and was swimming there for the rest of the day. Today her eye isn't swollen anymore and she is swimming all over the tank eating well and acting normal. She still has a ring around her head but I am sure that will heal in time. I love her so much and literally cried when it happened and I get choked up when I start telling people because I feel so bad for her and how traumatizing that must have been. I am so happy she pulled through and is acting like her usual self, she is one tough little fish.
The exact same thing happened to my clown, except he was bent in half stuck in the intake pipe. But he survived! Im glad yours did too!
I can't believe she survived let alone made a full recovery on her eye. I thought for sure IF she lived that her eye would be popped out a little her whole life but nope she is almost back to her beautiful self minus the ring around her head from the suction that damaged her skin but in time I am sure that will heal too.

LOL it's like our fish have nine lives :^:
It's amazing how tough some of these fish can be, I'm really glad to hear that your pulled though.
I'm so happy Maggie survived. I have two clowns and I would be devastated if one of them died. She's one lucky fish to have an owner like you. You probably saved her life when you moved her around in the tank! :^: