Need help id'ing a hitchhiker


Reefing newb
At the base of my new finger leather coral is a dime sized hitchhiker. At first I thought it may be aiptaisa, but it is a totally different shape now that it has opened.
It is round and has arms kind of like a zoa polyp..but, it has NO color. It is clear/tan.
here are a couple of pictures.


I don't think it's aiptasia or majano... The tentacles look too fat and widely spaced apart to be either of those. Maybe another type of anemone or a cup coral?
I thought the same as lengthens itself to about a. inch as it reaches up around from where it is anchored to reach light...and actually seems to have some pale green around the outside of the tentacles. (you can only see the color when it is closed up)
It is awkwardly located at the bottom of the rock my leather is on. I don't know if he will make it; he is always covered with substrate.
I love daughertys comment ... Haha kill it. DONE haha. Looks kinda wierd for a mojano or aptasia, but it does make me nervous.
Well, I thought that my copperband had eaten this little guy because he went missing. Turns out he relocated. Moved into a new rock and killed a small nassarius snail. I guess that means it definately is an anemone hey?
If it is a flower anemone, do I get rid of it?
It's gone:) I just hate to needlessly kill something but I would hate to risk something else in the tank.
Wasn't pretty at all anyway--ugliest thing In the tank....and I have a little cyano starting;)