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No, in fact you will be able to keep non-reef safe fish that are normally off limits for a reef tank because they eat corals. You will be limited by the size of your tank; however. Figure on 1 fish per 10 gallons of tank size, give or take a fish.
I would steer clear of damsel fish. You could do the standard clownfish pair. DOnt need an anenome. I would look into some firefish also dwarf angels could do well in a 30 gallon tank. Just makke sure you dont overstock and with 1-2 pounds of LR per gallon of water, you should do fine.
I would not put a damsel fish in either. I started my 55 gal out with a yellowtaiasl damsel and it has since drove a lot of fish to their death, lived through ick and is still going strong. My niger trigger is the only one that has the advantage now.:scratchch