New Additions


Reefing newb
Yesterday I added my first Marine fish and live coral ever into my tank:bounce:. I was feeding the fish and of course some of the pellets dropped to the bottom, after about a minute I was looking for the pellets and I found this red wormlike critter about 2 inches long eating the pellets. It came from under one of my live rocks in the tank. Is this thing OK to have in the tank? Also the snails were going crazy over the pellets as well. Having This tank is awsome!
yup probally a bristle worm, good tank cleaners they keep left over junk cleaned up so you don't have to, and keep nitrates down from left over not getting eaten
i recently discovered i got on as big as my thumb and 12 inches long, freakin scary lookin thing got to catch big ones like that and get rid of them. little ones like yours are good.
once i catch him i'll take some pics, i can only see it come out at night and use red light flash light. Its quick soon as it sees light its gone. I might move rocks around to get it out cause that thing is freakin huge.
Sounds like a bristleworm to me too. D is right -- they are excellent scavengers and detritivores. They will make your tank sparkling clean! A healthy bristleworm population is a sign of a healthy tank.

you are thinking of the little red rocket from your childhood...

-Dr Marco :sfish: