new clowns


Reefing newb
is there anyway to encourage my 2 new perc clowns to take residents in my anemone...i know its kind of hit or miss whether or not they will, but i was curious if there was anything i could do to better the chances?
There's a little trick that some people have had luck with. Print out a picture of a clownfish (whatever species you have), then tape it to the outside of the glass near the anemone. Supposedly, the clowns "recognize" themselves and will go check out the new clown, and then they're all, "Hey! It's an anemone! No way!" It's worth a shot :)
haha, i'll try that...the whole idea of clowns NOT wanting to live in a colourful house that provides maximum safety is beyond me. i know if i was a clown i would be taking all the anemones offered to me! i had a tomato clown for about 5 years that took to my anemone almost instantaneously. as soon as he was introduced he swam to the bottom of the tank and brushed up against it....after that the only time he left was to feed and get cleaned by my cleaner shrimp!!

Thanks for the tip!
i never thought of that before. thats a very valid point, i would imagine that tank raised fish would have lost some of the instinctual drive that wild fish would still have. hopefully they'll take it anyways