New Coral


Ha Ha Thats Funny!
Got to stop going in that store!!!

Today I picked up a small plate coral, looks like a flying saucer with tentacles.

Will post a pic once the wifey goes to sleep:D
The kids spot things right away, not her though. It's justeasier if I acclimate them in the shade, then move em out when she starts snoring....

18 yrs. of marriage and the best argument is the one you avoid!
MAN,you gonna be in trouble if she ever starts reading the forums:mrgreen:
But were waitin on the pics:D
:bounce:Yea, the coral is opening...and the wife is starting to yell at the kids to go to sleep.....LOL
Ok, here it is, what is it and what does it like. I called it the ugly flying saucer thingy. He called it a plate coral, mod light and mod waterflow, keep on the sand.

It is indeed a short-tentacled plate coral. You are spot on about the flow, light and placement. It will also like to be fed meaty foods once in a while. You should name it.
I'm gonna call it "Biff", since you said it!!

is the mysis shrimp meaty? What should I give it? I also have a Duncan??? , green, real nice like 6 heads, it was chomping on the mysis last night, as were two blasto heads. I gave them blood worms today, no real takers on that.

Tomorow I get my six line wrasse and my final fish, the yellow tang. Came in tonight from Cali!!! This new fish store is great, I ask him if he can get me something, and puts it on his order, no freight! I got him looking for purple death zoas right now, hopefully....
Yeah, mysis, krill. Stuff that's big enough for it to grab on to. Cyclopeeze and plankton will be too small for it. Feed it the same way you feed the duncan. I'm very flattered to be its namesake. Let's hope Biff doesn't meet the fate that all my plate corals have. For some reason, I can't keep them alive. They are supposed to be pretty easy, hardy corals. But I've probably tried at least half a dozen of them, and can't keep them alive for more than a couple weeks. Go Biff!
That's a nice looking plate coral you have there...and yea, you'll see him scooting across the sand, just be careful that you have no rocks around him in the sand cause he'll cut himself open from the jagged edge and quickly die.
I have had no luck with Biffs either. I had a purple one for about a year but then it died with my heater problem. I have had probably 6 or 7 others that lived 2-3 months then kicked the bucket. Good luck with yours! :)