New Tank, questions about it


Reefing newb
I recently purchased an 8 gallon Nano tank after deciding to downsize from a 29 gallon. I have 10 pounds of live rock in the tank as well as close to 15 pounds of live sand. I used some cured live rock from the old tank as well as about a gallon of the water and placed it in the new Nano. 3 days in I tested the water to check how everything was. The nitrates were at 0, the ammonia was at 10, and the nitrites were between 10 and 15. I knew this was good because obviously the tank needs to cycle. Well today I decided to test the water again just to make sure it was going well and all of a sudden my nitrates are at 20 ppm, my nitrites are at 0 and my ammonia is at zero. I have a couple of Picasso Clowns sitting in a quarantine tank waiting to get in so I am wondering, do you think the tank could have possibly cycled this quickly?

One part to note is I do not have a skimmer because I figured an 8 gallon tank would not need one, especially because I plan on changing the water weekly and making sure it is good.

Thanks for the help!!!
Mine just ended its cycle sometime between a week and 2 weeks. but today made two weeks and hte last time i checked the levels was last week
Its very likely you had a fast cycle. I would test again tomorrow and if you still dont have any ammonia, i would do a water change and add the clowns