New Tank


Reefing newb
I am thinking of selling my freshwater tank in my room and replacing it with a saltwater tank. Any tips on the best way to sell it and the best tank to get. I was thinking a 28 gallon nano cube or a 34 gallon red sea max with stand. Ideas on what tank to get or good things to possibly put in it, i would like something fun to watch since it is in my room and cool to look at, i am open to ideas

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Red Sea Max (and similar all inclusive tanks of other brands) are really great, IMO. You can't keep a lot of fish in them, and you are usually limited to keeping low to moderate light corals by the stock lighting, but it sure makes shopping and setup easier.

You can get a pair of clowns, a goby/shrimp pair (which are really fun to watch and are common in small tanks), a pair of firefish, some cardinals, etc.

I have a 10 gallon tank, and it only has ricordea in it. Ricordeas of different colors on every rock. I love that tank.
Id go with craigs list for the free add to sell it.
Tank depends on what you want. Corals? if so what kind? Also what fish do you like. ? A mated pair of clowns is always a good option, or if you wanted a predator tank there is some pretty cool dwarf lionfish. Your stocking options will be limeted on both of those tanks so make your selections wisely and good luck.
+1 Smitty...why not just put up your fish for "adoption" on craigslist, and convert it to saltwater? Unless you're just trying to go smaller? It's a 120, right? According to your profile? I think you should stick with your 120 :) Once you go reef, you tend to go larger. I started with a I'm up to 125g LOL
I cant convert the freshwater because of the set up and the way it is tall and not very deep back. It isnt shaped for good a saltwater reef. And the 120 is in the basement and this one needs to be small enough to fit in my room on the second floor. And i would like it to be not a complete reef but like a semi with like cool inverts and fish and pretty coral. I have a local fish store that i know i can sell my fish, plants, and decor to but idk about the tank.
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I was looking around on the internet and found a shrimpgoby and it said they like to share their burrows with pistol shrimp, are pistol shrimp ok for reefs and other inverts, including other shrimp.
No, they are predator to small fish and shrimp. They don't kill the goby due to the relationship they share. Search U-Tube for the pistol shrimp and you can see how they kill. For more info use the search function on here.
If you're looking for a smaller tank, I'd recommend the Biocubes just from my experience. I have a 14 gallon biocube and can't complain. It's easy to set-up, looks good, and the lights have been strong enough for any LPS coral and polyps I've tried (zonathids, candy canes, frogspawn, and galaxea). Right now I have a yellow watchman goby (no pistol shrimp, though). I used to have a royal gramma in there too until he became a bully...
A clown pair would look good.

If you do get a Biocube, I would look into upgrading the filtration. In my Biocube, I took out the bioballs and replaced them with a media basket to run carbon and chaeto with a small 5w submersible light. I also replaced the standard Biocube pump with a better maxi-jet for increased flow.

Good luck! :mrgreen:
Pistol shrimp for the most part are safe and are a cool addition to a reef tank.IF you can get by the constant popping racket:D

I think I've got one loose in my reef.At least I hope its a pistol and not another mantis:grumble:
I was thinking about getting a pair of chocolate clowns and a goby with a shrimp, I really like that red banded one, thanks. Other option i thought of was a with a jawfish and some clowns any ideas on either of these.
I'm for the goby and shrimp. But I'm biased. ;)
I really love my watchman goby. He's cute in a weird special way. His perpetual frown makes me smile. And he has TONS of personality! He's fun to watch eat, swim, filter sand through his gills. He's simply AWESOME! :sfish:
While I still keep freshwater tanks, I, like you, have sold a bunch of old tanks and lighting to buy a Nanocube. i chose the JBJ 28 gallon Nanocube CF. My reason over the other brands was strictly lighting. It has the highest wattage (105W) in a CF hood. You can get metal halides but the price skyrockets and you may require a pricey chiller to boot. This tank gives me almost 4W/gallon. Currently housing 2 clowns, 2 peppermints, nassarius, trochus, fighting conch, green abalone and Zoa's, leathers and LPS. All are happy!

It has a filter basket, though I don't use, just the sponge that collects debris which I clean out every couple of days.

All of the cubes, Oceanic, Red Sea, JBJ, all are good w +'s and -'s! Good luck!
I would recommend the Red Sea Max for the small all-in-one tank. I have had one almost three years and have been very happy with it. I believe it has approx. 4 watts of lighting per gallon so it will work for most corals. It is also not too big or too small.
The Red Sea Max is a beautiful All-in-one, though it is almost 3x the price of the others. The JBJ fit my budget at about $300/w free stand. (Though I wish I could have afforded the Red Sea 34g! NanoCube envy!