New to reefing.

30 Gal. Tank, 2 AquaClear 30 Power Filter Units , 2 BioCube Circulation pumps 250 GPH, PowerGlo and MarineGlo Bulbs, Cured Pukani Live Rock, 20 lbs. of Live Sand, Prepared Saltwater all from local saltwater store.

How long should it take to clear up and should I be running the fans while the tank is settling?


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Hello and Welcome!

That is normal for newly set up tanks, but it should clear up in a week or so, and do run your powerheads in the mean time.

Also those lights you have arent going to be good for keeping corals, at most you might be able to keep some softies.

And the filters you have are freshwater technology that translates poorly to saltwater. They can lead to water quality issues if not cleaned religiously. The might help in getting the small sand particles out of the water so the tank clears up faster, but after that they arent of much use. I personally would just get rid of them or hold on to them for occasionally polishing the water. For a small tank like you have just doing regular water changes and having enough rock (which it looks like you do) is all you need to keep good water quality.
Thanks for the response, the filters are not in I replaced it with small pieces of live rock per the owner of the shop, they are basically there just for aeration purposes. As far as lights I am waiting on a 30" overhead l.e.d. unit. any other pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Robert
Sounds like you are off to a good start! Isn't the pukani rock awesome? You might want to look into getting an RO/DI unit to make water or be sure to get RO/DI water from your LFS for your water changes instead of using tap water. If you haven't gotten testing supplies yet, I'd recommend getting a refractometer and a test kit that doesn't use strips. API and seachem both make decent test kits. Welcome and I look forward to watching your tank come to life!
Right and thanks. Yep got it setup already to where I just go and have my jugs filled with ro/di. Also have have prepared water for changing out. with everything already being cured how long should i wait before adding cuc? Thanks again
Welcome to your new addiction! My tank took about a day to clear after I put sand in. As tempted as you'll be to add some form of life to your tank, don't add anything until the cycle is complete! I remember the week or so that I waited for my cycle to complete I was dying to see something move in the water. But I promise it will pay off if you wait. Do some research in the meantime to take your mind off of your "lifeless" tank. I am constantly learning new things about this hobby, the more you know, the more you appreciate everything.

Good luck and welcome!
Looks like you are off to a great start. Just make sure the rocks are on the glass and not sitting on a couple inches of sand.

Keep the pics coming!