New to Salt


Reefing newb
I promise to respect the rules and respect others, just please forgive what may be really amateur questions, I'm trying to get as much info on stuff as I can in my early stages of beautiful marine tanks
Thank you all so much for the welcome.

Here goe scenario 1, my LPS didn't get me the right info towards the cycling. I thought live sand and rock were the same (can you see where this is going.)

I was using the pre made saltwater and they said it should be okay to insert a live rock and inverts (Turbo snail, sand sifting starfish) my acclimation didn't go so well, the inverts lasted 2 days, and my Nitrite is going down (now that the live rock is in) and my Nitrate is climbing, so I now know I need to start all over again.

My question is, do I need to dump the water, now that there may be decay in the tank?

Thanks for any guidance,
Yours truly; sadly not seeing stars
Hello again!

Many LFS, unfortunately, do not give out the right information. They exist solely to make money, and there is no better way to do that than to sell you things that will die.

It sounds like adding the live sand, rock and inverts kicked off your cycle. If you can find them, I would remove any dead bodies you can find. Once all your levels read zero you will be safe to add some stock. Slowly. Patience is key in this hobby.

Can you tell us about your set up?

This is a good article to read
I am running the new Fluval Spec, 2.2 gal. of a month ago, waited the 3 weeks adding in cycle, testing on Nutri-seawater, and the readings were blank, but then like was mentioned adding in the 3 things, live Rock, snail and star, just kicked the cycle into OD, I was getting poor readings on ammonia, but now I just got a true one.

Igotten all the bodies, the debris, and just did a 75% water change, with cycle to get things up and running, I will presently get back to the patience game and wait for it to be perfect again.

Thank you for your help. When I'm ready, I will be more than willing to share my mistakes with anyone who it may help.