Obnoxious pump


Reef enthusiast
The sequence 3200 that I have is freaking annoying! I didnt think it was too bad at first but now 5 hours later it is really bothering me. It is mounted to a 1x8 piece of composite with a 1/2" piece of styrofoam underneath it in a failed attempt at a vibration dampener.

Yote do you think that a couple of those stick on bow silencers would help absorb some of the vibration and reduce the noise?
HAdnt thought of the bow silencers.I'd say they would help quiet a bit.And its not like there that expensive.
Cut up a bicycle tire and put it under the pump. Run your bolts or screws through to mount the pump.

Get something between the board and the pump. Residential furnaces are sometimes mounted on top of rubber and cork isolators. They are about 2" square and 1/2" thick. Rubber on the outside and cork in the center. Mount them under the pump and run the bolts or screws through them into the board.

You need to get something BETWEEN the board and the pump.

Think about it:
How is a car engine mounted? Directly on the frame with an isolator under your seat? No. The motor is mounted to rubber motor mounts and those are bolted to the frame.

How do you hang an exhaust fan?
Run the all threads into the deck and put the rubber isolators on the frame of the fan.

Look inside a rooftop cooling unit. The fan is mounted on big rubber isolators. NOT the frame of the rooftop unit and then try to isolate the whole rooftop unit. It would take an isolator the size of a pickup truck to cushion the weight of a 20ton rooftop unit.

Isolate your pump from your frame (board). :Cheers:
Just to give you some idea of vibration isolation. the screw can go all the way through and into the wood or just let it sit on the wood. if the screw goes into the wood you will also need a rubber washer at the top of the screw.
