Octopus Tank


Reefing newb

I have always wanted to set up a tank to house an octopus but I know that they can be really difficult to take care of. I was wondering if anyone has ever owned and maintained an octopus before?

P.S if you have pictures, that would be awesome

Not yet, but they are escape artistes. The local Aquariume here bordered thier octopus tank with indoor outdoor carpet to help keep them fron climbing out. It seems they don't like the feel of it.
+1 to the lifespan issue. Octopi are very intelligent animals. They can solve basic problems to achieve goals of self-preservation, communicate with each other, and recognize people when in captivity. The only reason they aren't held to the same standard of animal intelligence as things like dolphins and chimpanzees is that they only live two or three years in the wild. And in captivity almost any animals lifespan is cut short. Between that and the fact that they are expensive, I'd advise against it.

If you do decide to establish a tank, it should be very large and for a single specimen. Also, octopus ink, while an interesting defense mechanism, can pollute a limited system like a small or mid-size aquarium. If you startle it, and it inks, you basically have to do a water change immediately.
Blue ring octopus is very small, but easily one of the most poisonous marine animals in existence. Zoas scare me enough with some of the horror stories, I'd never own an animal that could kill me if it decided to come after me while I was reaquascaping, or scraping coraline algae.
Blue ring octopus is very small, but easily one of the most poisonous marine animals in existence. Zoas scare me enough with some of the horror stories, I'd never own an animal that could kill me if it decided to come after me while I was reaquascaping, or scraping coraline algae.

At least zoas can't figure out how to unlock aquarium lids and come after you. Octopi can.
I'm a diver. LOVE finding octopi. "An octopuses garden" is the dozens of empty clam shells that clue you in that there's an Octopus in the reef holes. Beautiful, smart, amazing creatures. That said... leave them in the ocean. Lifespan issue addressed, escape artist addressed, and honestly... I think it might just be cruel. I think they'd know they were imprisoned. I've always thought how cool it would be to have one to watch... but I always come back to taking a deep breath and saying... I need to go diving...