Orange Scorpionfish


Reef enthusiast
FAMILY - Scorpaenidae

SCIENTIFIC NAME - Scorpanena Brasiliensis

COMMON NAME - Barbfish (Orange Scorpionfish)

SIZE - 9.1" ( 23 cm)

RANGE - Tropical Western Atlantic

MIN. AQUARIUM SIZE - 20 US Gal. (76 L)

FOODS AND FEEDING - Marine fish and crustacean flesh, live grass shrimp, feeder fish. Feed 2-4 time a week.


REEF COMPATIBILITY - Will eat ornamental shrimps, smaller fishes.

CAPTIVE CARE - Do not keep with fishes that feed on encrusting invertebrates or algae (pygmy angelfishes may persistently pick at the skin of smaller individuals). Provide with plenty of hiding places (caves and crevices in the rockwork). WARNING VENOMOUS SPINES, CARE IN CLEANING TANK, AND KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT HANDLE WITHOUT ADEQUATE PROTECTION. Keep only one per aquarium.

Orange Scorpionfish.jpg
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