Picture of the Month - April

thanks everyone. I am pleased everyone likes my pic. If my count is right, I should have a good showing this month. I hope I do because I will be so busy with my new tank, I will not be entering for a few months. It would be nice to go out with a win this month and then try again at the end of the summer of start of the fall.

Hurry up with the voting.I'm getting tired of looking at that naso sniffing that other tang's butt.

[who here is guilty of going back to the front page for a second look?]
Hurry up with the voting.I'm getting tired of looking at that naso sniffing that other tang's butt.

[who here is guilty of going back to the front page for a second look?]

hahah totally guilty as charged. i chuckled too much reading the post i had to look. and as lionfish may be right, if you forget really what you know and thing of it as just the ass end..... well it counts as a butt sniff

sitll love the pic though lionfish
Reeffreak as absolutely amazing as your picture is..... and it really is, you know i love angels and tangs! lets just skip the voting and pt docs pic up cuz we all know he is going to win!
Great pics everyone - after reading through the whole thread I can't remember everyone that posted - but they were all cool. I love the big angels - stunning!!

Is there a limit or recommended pic size to post? I want to get in on this...So I can be shot down!!LOL
I think of tangs as the Crop dusters of the sea,

they get to poopin' all ya see is a Spray of shit lol!

my tang doesn't spray it everywhere anymore. all my fish seem really constipated and I'm not sure why. I have a large varied diet for them. not surewhat is going wrong
well here is my shot at it. My favorite blasto welsi. I was very excited to see 3 new heads growning out underneath the main poylp!! I'm a daddy again!!LOL

If the pic is the wrong size let me know and I will resize it.


I didnt read anywhere what the rules are? Is this a contest for our ability to take a picture, or is it to show off what we have in our personal tanks? I have some pictures of stuff in my tank I would like to post, but I had a friend take them with a better camera than I have. So please post some rules as to what we are judging?